Three Signs Your Truck Needs Transmission Repair

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One of the most important parts of any vehicle, whether it runs on gasoline or diesel, is the transmission. This system is what transfers energy from the engine to the wheels, allowing the vehicle to move. It’s also what allows you to shift gears. Our team at Mid Carolina Diesel has extensive experience in working on diesel trucks, and we want to help you get the best performance from your fleet.

Three Signs Your Truck Needs Transmission Repair

In this article, we’ll go over a few warning signs you need transmission repair—if any of your trucks exhibit these issues, give us a call right away:

  1. Trouble Staying in Gear – When you shift gears, your truck should remain in the new gear. If your truck seems to have trouble staying in gear, the engine revs but the truck doesn’t speed up, or the truck slips between gears while driving, then you need transmission repair. These kinds of issues make your truck unsafe to drive because they can cause you to lose control of the vehicle on the road.
  2. Weird Noise When Shifting – If your truck’s engine makes unusual sounds when you shift gears, then you most likely need transmission repair services. When you change gears, the engine might get louder or softer, but you shouldn’t hear any whining or buzzing sounds. These sounds are typically caused by issues such as worn bearings or gears, damaged synchronizers, or low transmission fluid levels.
  3. Leaking Transmission Fluid – Whenever fluid starts leaking out of your truck, you have a problem. In this case, you should call our team for transmission repair whenever the transmission fluid starts to leak out. Your transmission needs a sufficient amount of this fluid in order to function properly, so if it’s leaking, give us a call right away.